Richard Pilnick
Yoga has the ability to heal. Yoga has the ability to bring about peace.
The more people we can inspire to practice the happier and healthier this world will become. By taking Yoga into the Photography, Art & Fashion worlds I intend to inspire more people to come to the mat and begin a journey of self discovery.

Richard is a photographer, a yogi, a father, a brother and a son… Using the gift of photography to make a difference in this world. With a fashion and portraiture background Richard comes with a keen eye for detail meticulously working to create timeless striking imagery. Working with many leading teachers in various yoga communities around the world, Manju Jois, Sharon Gannon, Mark Whitwell, Danny Paradise & Rusty Wells to inspire change. He works closely with the Yoga Journal in Germany, has been exhibited in the National Portrait gallery in London and journeyed to Mongolia to document the first ever Yoga retreat in the East Gobi Desert with Emma Henry, Lululemon & Reclaim Your Self. As well as being featured in the prestigious photographic magazine 'Black + White' alongside the great David Bailey.

‘Yoga is also art, and the body is a piece of art to be appreciated to admire it’s beauty and to perfect it’s beauty and take it to it’s unlimited potentiality. Guruji became the one that turned that all around to say look within. So see that beauty that you’re seeing outside and see if you can see that on the inside. We are guided by our practice to look within…’ - John Scott
The images used to portray yoga need to change, we need to inspire people into this wonderful world of self development and understanding, we need to honour the practice that is giving us so much. Bibi McGill (Beyonce’s Ex-lead guitarist) aptly writes ‘We've turned yoga into the "look at me" selfie syndrome’ - this is not yoga, this is not honest…'

We need to create content that is achievable and attainable, yes we will photograph beautiful one handed handstand, but we will also be photographing upward dog just as beautifully, as it is pictures like this that will inspire people to practice for the first time. It is the one handed handstand that will inspire the advanced practitioner…
Richard travels the world inspiring people with his photographic art, if you're motivated by these images, get in contact for commissions.